Electronic Recycling - Environmental Management - Data Security +55 11 3360-3100
10,000 tons of recycled material per year
Data Destruction
Reverse Logistics
for Recycling
We perform the entire process of data destruction monitored by security camera and can be monitored remotely via internet + access password. In addition to the issuance of a Photographic Award for Data Destruction and Waste Recycling Certificate.
Through customized systems of reverse logistics of recycling, Cintitec takes care of the removal, transport and storage, after it goes through the process of sorting and processing.
Electronic Waste
Global Waste Management
We carry out the recycling process of electronic scrap, reverse logistics, recovery and environmentally adequate final disposal of 100% of the materials.
We carry out waste management through segregation, recycling and valorization, solving possible environmental impacts and supplying a whole chain of processes and partners.
Circular Economy
The processes are carried out according to labor standards, reverse logistics, separation and reinsertion of materials in the productive chain of industries.
Our work focuses on avoiding to the maximum the sanitary landfills, thus seeking the sustainability and ecologically conscious destination of organic waste.